Middle Aged. New Born

Middle-aged. New Born

Look! I have ten fingers and ten toes!

Isn’t it exciting?


I am a woman born anew. 


For years I have thrashed

in the seas of cruelty and hatred

in a boat that finally

and mercifully



And now I am shipwrecked on a new land.

It is quiet. There is peace. And I am here.


New Born.


Oh, how new parents crow over their newborns!

They beam over each hand and foot and

coo with each yummy roll of flesh.

All these riches! All of these things to love!


And maybe I appreciate the miracle even more

looking at my hands and feet,

to find myself still whole,

still capable of beauty and love.

Still able to reach, and kick and cry and laugh.


Today it is my turn to pick myself up

and hold this new born sense of wholeness

against my heart, breathing with her as she rests.


Now I can look at her beautiful face as she sleeps

knowing I have all I need: just love.

Love of the simple fact of having

ten fingers and ten toes.

Love of the simple fact of being whole.

© 2025 Gretchen Schmelzer, PhD