

“It’s where I keep my work,”

he says, as he folds his cape

laying it gently inside his briefcase.

His fellow writers at the Daily Planet

think that it’s his column he carries --

not the weight of the world.

“I wish I could work like you,”

One of them says to him,

not knowing, really,

what he wished for.


Superman responded kindly:

“I wish I could work like you too”

knowing exactly what he wished for.

Superman put on his hat and coat

and picked up his briefcase

taking pride in the strength

it takes to make it all look easy.

He cradles trains in his hands,

catches speeding bullets,

jumps from tall buildings

but he never leans

his weight on anything.

The six o’clock train

was always crowded

and while he never slept

he longed for a carefree rest

he’s never known.

Walking along the platform

Superman carries his heavy case

with a practiced lightness—

hoping the folded newspaper

under his arm will distract

anyone from suspecting

the weight and shape

of his real burden.

© 2024 Gretchen L. Schmelzer, PhD



The earth moved.

This was not a metaphor:

my rock became a river,

my home, my trees, my life


I’ve lived through storms

that peeled the paint

right off the barn.


But this was

a different storm.


The dark water rose

as it always does:

slowly, and then all at once.


I can struggle to move

a single pile of firewood

from my driveway

to the shed—

a day’s work at best,


so, I watched with horror,

and perhaps awe,

as rushing water washed

an entire forest

a mile down the road

before I could even

utter a single word.


How can something

so slow be so sudden?

How can I have faith

in the ground

beneath my feet?


The earth moved

and I am still here

surrounded by debris.

I didn’t expect to see

so much sky—

the brightness is so big

it frightens me

and I hesitate to admit,

even to myself,

that the light is beautiful.

© 2024 Gretchen L. Schmelzer, PhD





















Mother Moon

Mother Moon

It was so cold I could

see my breath.

With each step

I watched my footing

on the shadowy sidewalk—

crunching leaves as I went.

Suddenly a light

appears in the dark.

I look up expecting

a streetlight

and instead

it is the moon

who has come

to walk me home—

like the mother

who trails seven steps

behind you keeping watch

but letting you think

you are doing It on your own.


Along the way

the gardens glow

summer and fall mixed

together: dahlias and

anemone, red and yellow

leaves lit from behind.


I find comfort

in her golden presence—

it can feel lonely

to grow up

no matter how

old you are.


And as I turn the familiar

corner at the forsythia hedge

—one single blossom open

months ahead of spring—


the moon dashes

ahead of me

toward my house—


just above my neighbor’s roof.


Her perfect circle so bright

I am pierced with longing.

I stop

and before I can

hold back tears

she reaches out with

her radiant warmth

and welcomes me home.


© 2024 Gretchen L. Schmelzer, PhD




Bringing Awe to Autumn

Again I resume the long
lesson: how small a thing
can be pleasing, how little
in this hard world it takes
to satisfy the mind
and bring it to its rest.
— Wendell Berry, Sabbaths, Given

Fall is amazing. Awe-inspiring. I turn the corner while driving and can’t stop saying, “Wow!” On my walks in the morning I catch sight of each tree and it reminds me of the finale of the Fourth of July Fireworks where the colors just get brighter and more exciting. It’s as if the Boston Pops are playing in the background.

It was my first car (a mint green Buick that required a quart of oil at every fill up) that put me on a path of true autumn appreciation. Before that, I had taken the bus to work, which took a route on a main road without much nature of any kind. But once I had Bessie (that was her name) I could take the back way—all tree-lined roads in the Boston suburbs. And it was during that fall of ’88 I began the ‘Best Fall Tree of the Day’ Award. It’s a life changing game. It’s your own private Reality TV show. You drive (or walk) and look at all the trees and then suddenly one will appear in all its glory. And you will just know that on this particular day—that tree wins. In fact as soon as you give the award you may notice that the tree shines even brighter from the recognition. Sometimes I announce it out loud to myself in the car “Well done! Bravo! You win!” And sometimes it’s just a quiet nod of recognition. Either way, the tree seems to know and puff up its leaves a little bigger. And every day is different—even on the same commute—the way the light hits it, where the tree is in its progression of color, how it sits in relation to the other trees.

I was working with teenagers at the time, and I rallied them to be on the judges’ panel when we took trips as a group—getting them, uncharacteristically, to look for beauty in the world. And then when I worked for a few years as a rowing coach I would encourage my athletes to do the same—to look when they were running, or had taken a break from rowing for the most beautiful tree --to add a bit of appreciation of the natural world into a morning of exhaustion from exercise.

Most people are now familiar with the practice of gratitude—the idea of writing down at the end of each day, something you are grateful for—as a way to build muscles for seeing what you do have in your life, rather than what is missing. And to that practice I would recommend the simple game of “Best Fall Tree of the Day” as a way to build the practice of “Awe” because it turns out that our capacity for awe has some pretty “awesome” properties.

Awe is one of the positive emotions with an interesting effect: it makes us feel smaller and yet connected to a larger whole. And the research on awe shows that even brief experiences of awe make us more generous, more helpful—generally more pro-social, and better community members. According to the research, it didn’t seem to matter what it was that inspired awe: beautiful nature, frightening nature, in reality—or memory—all of it shifted the behavior of the research participants to be less self-interested and more interested in the lives and problems of others. It turns our, we may become our biggest and best selves, when we can feel our ‘small self.’ And awe is our pathway to finding our small, but generous self. 

Our best stewards of awe may be our poets and our artists. Read any poem by Wendell Berry, Rilke or Mary Oliver and come away stunned by the awe they capture in language and image. Look at Georgia Okeefe’s flowers or Monet’s Water Lilies. As human beings we are all capable of awe, but artists teach us how to keep it, they give us language for it, they provide the possibility that we could share it with others.  

Over the years I have expanded the Reality show to match the season: Best Holiday Lights Display, and Best Flowering Garden to keep up my practice of looking for beauty, for looking for awe once the leaves had fallen. So I challenge you to have an awe-some day—find your moment of awe—let it fill you—and share it with others if you can.

© 2024 Gretchen L. Schmelzer, PhD

You can read the original research article on awe by Piff et al here. Or a New York Times summary of the research on awe here

Given: Poems
By Wendell Berry
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